Monday, March 12, 2007


I am probably at least as nutty as most other people and more so than some. But I don't think I will see a shrink. Two reasons: Number one, I am too cheap. Second of all, most shrinks are even nuttier than I am. So why should I pay them 200 an hour for their alleged wisdom and insights. All I need to do to feel pretty good about my own mental state is to watch Dr. Phil as he parades his unending collection of total looney toons nutcases before me each morning. Where does he get these people?? Do they really want help or are they going for an expense paid trip to Hollywood and ten minutes of fame on national TV.


  1. I'm with you on the shrinks. Give me better living through Searle any day!
    (Patch Adams: bite me)

    But what I really wanted to contribute here was that Teeder and I and the mother of his two half-sibs got offered and al-expense-paid trip to NYC to appear on Deborah Norville's show, whatever that was. The other mother was all for it, wanting a trip to NYC, and I was wavering. Not too keen on it, since I don't even watch that sort of tabloid stuff. But NYC!!! Then Katrina happened and that idea mercifully got scrubbed.

    Not sure what would have happened if my brother was the father of Anna Nicole's baby and was going to marry Britney Spears with Al Sharpton officiating at the Thurmond family reunion, and I was the wet blanket, all set to berate him while the audience played their Kabuki theater part. I probably would have been dumb enough to accept.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I killed the previous one because of a typo. Deborah's "Inside Edition" is one of the tabloidiest of the tabloids. You coulda been a star!
