Monday, November 30, 2009

Old songs

One of the fun things about being elderly is having a head full of old songs that nobody under 50, or maybe even 60, ever heard of.  My town has a new mayor.  He beat the incumbent.  He's also my insurance man.  So I go around singing "There's no one with endurance like the man who sells insurance." They don't write 'em like that anymore.   Frank Crummitt recorded it in the '20s. He did "there's no depression in love" just a month before the big crash of '29.
I just heard a reference to "rose colored glasses."  Oh yeah, there's a song about it.  "I'm looking at the world through rose Colored Glasses.  Everything is rosy now." I'm not sure what recording of it was in the old Victrola.  I think it was George Olsen's orchestra. Those songs are so firmly planted in my head that I can go to the mighty Hammond and play 8 bars from memory. If it's raining, what tune comes to mind but "What do we do on a dew dew dewey day."



    A good sing-along beats even rose-colored glasses when it comes to brightening a dull moment. The other day, at a museum shop, I saw a make-your-own-ukulele kit. I was tempted.

  2. Oh boy, now you've got my already overloaded brain racing much too fast. I had a uke, sold it on e-bay. Mistake. Thinking I was another Arthur Godfrey was an even bigger mistake. There was only one and I ain't it.
